Smoke & Wildfire Resources:
Explore these "real time" wildfire and smoke resources and bookmark or download today! If you have family or friends in a wildfire area, these resources are essential!
USA Wildfire Activity: This map presents a live feed of active wildfires in the US. Fires are sorted by burn size (in the grid view) or age (in the timeline view).
Fire and Smoke Map: The EPA and USFS have created this US-Wide map for use during fire and smoke events and includes air quality information.
WUI Resources: "Wildland Urban Interface" is a term you'll be hearing more about...Fire departments across the country are increasingly being called upon to respond to WUI fires, including brush, grass, forest fires or other outdoor fires. You may believe that you don't have a WUI problem, and that WUI fires only occur in western states, but more than 60,000 communities in the United States are at risk for WUI fires. (or app download): This CALIFORNIA ONLY resource is gaining attention for its quick-triggered alerts. Some critics say they are "too early" but not for those living in a severe wildfire area who are using this app to monitor their own neighborhoods and setting "push notifications" so they can be informed about the current situation and make their own informed decisions.